Saturday, August 15, 2009

Little Birdies Flowers

This link was posted on the "crochet your own fleurettes" thread on SplitCoastStampers. These are simple flowers, but they have great impact. There is also a video tutorial to help you learn this flower.

Here's the link for the thread on SCS. It's a great resource for patterns, tips, & chatter about crochet flowers.

Here are a bunch that I did. You can vary the size of the flower with thread & hook size. It's also fun to change colors after the first round, or use varigated threads for a different look. The first row is #10 crochet thread & size #7 steel hook, second row is embroidery floss & # 5 steel hook, third row is #3 crochet thread & #2 steel hook, and the last row is 2 strands of #10 held together & #5 steel hook.


  1. Shelley

    These are adorable. Haven't crocheted in a few years but have a large stash of yarns...can't wait to work on a few.

    Thanks for the leaves also.

    By the way....great music. Think I've seem every band on there but the Jonas Brothers & Katy Perry.
